Content Submission Guidelines

International Fiber Journal considers all article pitches from qualified industry professionals and those allied to the industry. Full manuscripts are accepted, but pitching article topics in outline format or via a brief description (100-200 words) is preferred, as this provides our editors the opportunity to offer guidance prior to developing a full draft to ensure the focus is on target for the audience. Please send your manuscripts and article descriptions to Ken Norberg at or call 202 681-2022 with questions or to request more information.


  • Articles submitted for publication should be exclusive to International Fiber Journal. Articles previously published (in print or online) will not be considered for publication in IFJ. Contributed articles published in IFJ should not be republished in another publication (in print or online).
  • All articles submitted for publication in IFJ should be original and provide even-handed discussion (i.e., not promote specific products or brands) of industrial processing topics.
  • An IFJ editor and the author (or their representative) will agree on a deadline for submission of the article and all visual materials. If the original deadline cannot be met, please inform the editor as soon as possible.
  • After the article is edited by IFJ, contributors will have the opportunity to review the final edit of the manuscript prior to publication to ensure clarity and accuracy of technical content. Layout proofs are not provided.

Length and format:

  • Feature Article Length: Approximately 1,200 to 2,000 words.
  • Editorial Column Length: Approximately 800 to 900 words.
  • Author(s) receive(s) a byline at the start of the article, as well as a biography and headshot at the end. Please provide a 3-4 sentence author bio for all authors, highlighting technical/engineering experience with the topic under consideration, a high-resolution headshot (300 dpi), and direct phone and email contact info for reader follow-up.
  • Visual appeal adds greatly to your article, so please supply photos, charts or diagrams that help illustrate or explain the text (if possible). You or your company must own the rights to these photos and graphics or gain written permission to use them for publication. You or your company will receive a photo/graphic credit for the photos that are published, unless otherwise instructed. Photos (high-resolution/300 dpi) and graphics should be emailed as separate documents (preferably in JPG, TIFF or EPS format). Photos embedded in text documents cannot be used.
  • Upon publication of the article on fiberjournal.comIFJ will provide the contributor a link to their article for sharing on websites and via social media. All references to the article online should point directly to the published article on
  • PDF reprints are available at a cost.

Writing style:

  • Do not reference specific products, brands, services or other promotional material.
  • Use the active voice. Write in the third person; do not use “I,” “we” or “you.”

IFJ adheres to AP Style. Submissions will be edited for AP and internal style guidelines.