
Brilen’s investment in High Tenacity Polyester Yarn capacity launched with a pilot line built in 2021 at their premises in Barbastro, Spain to push the development of products and the enlargement of BRILEN® yarn range. It’s two main purposes: R+D reinforcement and capacity extension. Photo courtesy Brilen
Brilen’s investment in High Tenacity Polyester Yarn capacity launched with a pilot line built in 2021 at their premises in Barbastro, Spain to push the development of products and the enlargement of BRILEN® yarn range. It’s two main purposes: R+D reinforcement and capacity extension. Photo courtesy Brilen

Brilen’s investment in High Tenacity Polyester Yarn capacity launched with a pilot line built in 2021 at their premises in Barbastro, Spain to push the development of products and the enlargement of BRILEN® yarn range. It’s two main purposes: R+D reinforcement and capacity extension. Photo courtesy Brilen